If you have any questions, please let me know as well. If these saves lack a specific item, please let me know and I'll update the files ASAP. OS X: Users/MYNAME/Library/Application Support/Borderlands 2/WillowGame/SaveData/* custom_number_here*/įor more information on how to install the Console saves, please look at the documents (DOCS) page on how to convert the saves to your console of choice for your account. Windows: C:\Users\MYNAME\Documents\my games\borderlands 2\willowgame\savedata\* custom_number_here*/ To get there, you need to go to the following path according to your Operating System: To use the saves you need to copy/move them into your saves location.

Make sure in either Epic Games or Steam that you have cloud saves turned off for Borderlands 2, this can complicate the saves from showing up in-game. WARNING! Before moving the saved game files, make sure to backup your current saves in case of possible replacement. In the compressed folder, you will find a couple of folders that include four different versions of the six save files. To extract these saves, you need to have a program that can extract archive folders, such as, WinRar & 7Zip.

These characters have regular & modded ammo amounts.Once you picked your skills you can go to the main menu and your remaining skill points will disappear. Each character has all the skills unlocked, if you want to pick specific skills you just need to reset your skill points at the new you station and pick which skills you prefer.Each inventory houses over 600+ items, weapons, accessories, and more. Each character has the same inventory, except Maya has the Breakneck Banshee.